Red Hat Meeting

Conway Oral Healthcare and the MWV Red Hat Honeybees came together this month to provide valuable information to 33 of the Red Hat members. Julie Butler and Jacqueline O’Rourke of Conway Oral Healthcare were invited by the Red Hat’s “Queen Bee”, Camille Rose to speak at their monthly meeting on July 21. Julie Butler presented topics including ‘oral healthcare as we age’, ‘how medications affect your oral health’, and ‘the effects of dry mouth’. Jacqueline O’Rourke was on hand to explain the ins and outs of insurance options including AARP’s Delta Dental Plan. The ladies were provided with numerous samples of oral products geared towards women over 50, and a raffle was held with a Phillips Sonicare toothbrush being the grand prize!

The Red Hat Society celebrates life through sisterhood. Hatters gather in local chapters small and large to have fun and support one another. Activities include sharing meals, playing games, going to shows, traveling on excursions and to RHS conventions, and other fun forms of socializing.



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