Bike Safety Day


 Our office set up a table full of informational materials, dental give-aways, and provided coupons for childrens custom mouth guard appliances!

Receptionist Jackie O'Rourke manned the table for the entire event, accompanied by her daughter Emily.

The event saw over 100 children come through. Each child that visited our table was given a bag with toothpaste, floss, toothbrush, and other goodies!

Informational packets were given to parents on such topics as bike safety, importance of mouth guards, and the importance of regular dental care in general.



After registration, participants’ helmets were inspected for safety. A new free helmet was issued to those in need. All bikes were inspected for mechanical condition and safety features. 

Rules of the road instruction were given by police officers, followed by ride-through safety course, featuring six stations inside Story Land.. This event was intended to promote safe cycling in our communities by ensuring the quality of equipment and the demonstration of safe bike handling skills by young riders.



 To see more photos of this event, please visit The MWV Velo Club photo page



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